2010. Two-pack enamel on substrate.
760w x 170d x 125mm h, 650w x 200d x 350mm h, 500w x 170d x 570mm h;
The three shelving modules can be arranged in limitless forms, engaging the user to interact with the objects by determining how it is composed in a space; be it dense and convoluted, wrapping around walls, creating niches or frames. It seizes one’s attention towards small yet highly valued personal possessions within a space.
The works reference structure in nature through the repetition of a simple two-dimensional shape (triangular), to create irregular three-dimensional forms. The form becomes open to interpretation; referencing a large mountainous landscape or tiny limpet-like sculptural wall attachments. The work forms part of a group of works examining ideas of desire, consumption, and ‘want’ in an era of sustainability; and an emotional connection to objects through memory, physical engagement, and ambiguous forms.
Manufacturer: Composite Components